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TPT::IParser Member List

This is the complete list of members for TPT::IParser, including all inherited members.
addfunction(const char *name, bool(*func)(std::ostream &, Object &))TPT::IParser
addincludepath(const char *path)TPT::IParser
geterrorcount() constTPT::IParser
geterrorlist(ErrorList &errlist)TPT::IParser
IParser(const char *filename, Symbols &st)TPT::IParser
IParser(const char *buf, unsigned long size, Symbols &st)TPT::IParser
IParser(Buffer &buf, Symbols &st)TPT::IParser
run(std::ostream &os)TPT::IParser

Generated on Sat Feb 7 16:06:08 2004 for LibTPT by doxygen 1.3.3