
Cookies can be generated using the cgixx::cookie class. When instantiating a cookie, you must specify either a name for the cookie, or another cgixx::cookie to copy. Specifying the cgixx::cgi environment in the cgixx::cookie constructor will automatically populate the domain and path cookie values.

#include <cgixx/cgixx.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main(int argc, char* argv)
	cgixx::cgi cgi;
	cgixx::header header;
	std::string val;

	// Instantiate a couple of cookies
	cgixx::cookie a(cgi, "a", "1"), b(cgi, "b", "2");

	// Add the cookies to the header.

	// Print the header (including cookies)
	std::cout << header.get();

	// Print some HTML
	std::cout <<
		"<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Test page</TITLE><HEAD>\n"
		"<BODY><H1>Test Page</H1><HR>\n";

	// Get cookies already assigned to the user agent
	cgixx::cgi::identifierlist idlist;

	// Print the current list of cookies returned by the user agent
	cgixx::cgi::identifierlist::iterator it(idlist.begin()),
	for (; it != end; ++it)
		while (!cgi.getcookie(*it, val))
			std::cout << *it << ": " << val << "<br>\n";

	std::cout << "\n"
		<< std::endl;
	return 0;